Problem: Server


Implement a web server’s request handling functionality.

Academic Honesty

This course’s philosophy on academic honesty is best stated as "be reasonable." The course recognizes that interactions with classmates and others can facilitate mastery of the course’s material. However, there remains a line between enlisting the help of another and submitting the work of another. This policy characterizes both sides of that line.

The essence of all work that you submit to this course must be your own. Collaboration on problems is not permitted (unless explicitly stated otherwise) except to the extent that you may ask classmates and others for help so long as that help does not reduce to another doing your work for you. Generally speaking, when asking for help, you may show your code or writing to others, but you may not view theirs, so long as you and they respect this policy’s other constraints. Collaboration on quizzes and tests is not permitted at all. Collaboration on the final project is permitted to the extent prescribed by its specification.

Below are rules of thumb that (inexhaustively) characterize acts that the course considers reasonable and not reasonable. If in doubt as to whether some act is reasonable, do not commit it until you solicit and receive approval in writing from your instructor. If a violation of this policy is suspected and confirmed, your instructor reserves the right to impose local sanctions on top of any disciplinary outcome that may include an unsatisfactory or failing grade for work submitted or for the course itself.


  • Communicating with classmates about problems in English (or some other spoken language).

  • Discussing the course’s material with others in order to understand it better.

  • Helping a classmate identify a bug in his or her code, such as by viewing, compiling, or running his or her code, even on your own computer.

  • Incorporating snippets of code that you find online or elsewhere into your own code, provided that those snippets are not themselves solutions to assigned problems and that you cite the snippets' origins.

  • Reviewing past years' quizzes, tests, and solutions thereto.

  • Sending or showing code that you’ve written to someone, possibly a classmate, so that he or she might help you identify and fix a bug.

  • Sharing snippets of your own solutions to problems online so that others might help you identify and fix a bug or other issue.

  • Turning to the web or elsewhere for instruction beyond the course’s own, for references, and for solutions to technical difficulties, but not for outright solutions to problems or your own final project.

  • Whiteboarding solutions to problems with others using diagrams or pseudocode but not actual code.

  • Working with (and even paying) a tutor to help you with the course, provided the tutor does not do your work for you.

Not Reasonable

  • Accessing a solution to some problem prior to (re-)submitting your own.

  • Asking a classmate to see his or her solution to a problem before (re-)submitting your own.

  • Decompiling, deobfuscating, or disassembling the staff’s solutions to problems.

  • Failing to cite (as with comments) the origins of code, writing, or techniques that you discover outside of the course’s own lessons and integrate into your own work, even while respecting this policy’s other constraints.

  • Giving or showing to a classmate a solution to a problem when it is he or she, and not you, who is struggling to solve it.

  • Looking at another individual’s work during a quiz or test.

  • Paying or offering to pay an individual for work that you may submit as (part of) your own.

  • Providing or making available solutions to problems to individuals who might take this course in the future.

  • Searching for, soliciting, or viewing a quiz’s questions or answers prior to taking the quiz.

  • Searching for or soliciting outright solutions to problems online or elsewhere.

  • Splitting a problem’s workload with another individual and combining your work (unless explicitly authorized by the problem itself).

  • Submitting (after possibly modifying) the work of another individual beyond allowed snippets.

  • Submitting the same or similar work to this course that you have submitted or will submit to another.

  • Using resources during a quiz beyond those explicitly allowed in the quiz’s instructions.

  • Viewing another’s solution to a problem and basing your own solution on it.


Your work on this problem set will be evaluated along three axes primarily.


To what extent is your code consistent with our specifications and free of bugs?


To what extent is your code written well (i.e., clearly, efficiently, elegantly, and/or logically)?


To what extent is your code readable (i.e., commented and indented with variables aptly named)?

To obtain a passing grade in this course, all students must ordinarily submit all assigned problems unless granted an exception in writing by the instructor.

Getting Ready

First, join David for a tour of HTTP, the “protocol” via which web browsers and web servers communicate.

Next, consider reviewing some of these examples, via which we introduced HTML, the language in which web pages are written.

And also some of these examples, via which we introduced CSS, the language with which web pages can be stylized.

Next, consider reviewing some of these examples, via which we introduced HTML forms, which we used to submit GET queries to Google.

For another perspective altogether, join Daven for a tour of HTML too. Don’t miss the bloopers at the end!

Finally, join Joseph (and Rob) for a closer look at CSS.

Getting Started

First, log into and execute


within a terminal window to make sure your workspace is up-to-date.

Then execute

cd ~/workspace/unitB

at your prompt to ensure that you’re inside of unitB (which is inside of workspace which is inside of your home directory). Then execute


to download this problem’s distro. Unzip the ZIP file (remember how?) and then delete the ZIP file from your unitB directory. Navigate into your newly-created server directory (remember how?) and type:


You should see that your directory contains five files and a folder.

Makefile	parser.c	parser.h	pointers.c	public/		server.o

Now execute


(which is a hierarchical, recursive variant of ls), and you should see that the directory contains the below.

├── Makefile
├── parser.c
├── parser.h
├── pointers.c
├── public
│   ├── cat.html
│   ├── cat.jpg
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── hello.html
│   ├── hello.php
│   └── test
│       └── index.html
└── server.o

Dang it, still C. But some other stuff too!

Go ahead and take a look at cat.html. Pretty simple, right? Looks like it has an img tag, the value of whose src attribute is cat.jpg.

Next, take a look at hello.html. Notice how it has a form that’s configured to submit via GET a text field called name to hello.php. Make sense? If not, try taking another look at the walkthrough for search-0.html.[1]

Now take a look at hello.php. Notice how it’s mostly HTML but inside its body is a bit of PHP code:

<?= htmlspecialchars($_GET[“name”]) ?>

The <?= notation just means “echo the following value here”. htmlspecialchars, meanwhile, is just an atrociously named function whose purpose in life is to ensure that special (even dangerous!) characters like < are properly “escaped” as HTML “entities”. See for more details if curious. Anyhow $_GET is a “superglobal” variable inside of which are any HTTP parameters that were passed via GET to hello.php. More specifically, it’s an “associative array” (i.e., hash table) with keys and values. Per that HTML form in hello.html, one such key should be name! But more on all that in a bit.

Now the fun part. Open up parser.h and parser.c.

The challenge ahead is to implement the parsing part of a web server that knows how to serve static content (i.e., files ending in .html, .jpg, et al.) and dynamic content (i.e., files ending in .php).

Want to try out the staff’s solution before we dive into distribution code? Execute the below to download the latest version of the staff’s solution, as the version in CS50 IDE by default is outdated. Note that the O in -O is a capitalized letter O, not a zero.

sudo wget –O ~cs50/unitB/server
sudo chmod a+x ~cs50/unitB/server

Then execute the below to run the staff’s implementation of server.


You should see these instructions:

Usage: server [-p port] /path/to/root

Looks a bit complex, but that’s just a conventional way of saying:

  • This program’s name is server.

  • To specify a (TCP) port number on which server should listen for HTTP requests, include -p as a command-line argument, followed by (presumably) a number. The brackets imply that specifying a port is optional. (If you don’t specify, the program will default to port 8080, which is required by CS50 IDE.)

  • The last command-line argument to server should be the path to your server’s “root” (the directory from which files will be served).

Let’s try it out. Execute the below within your own ~/workspace/unitB directory so that the staff’s solution uses your own copy of public as its root.

~cs50/unitB/server public

You should see output like the below.

Using /home/Ubuntu/workspace/unitB/public for server’s root
Listening on port 8080

Toward the top-right corner of CS50 IDE, meanwhile, you should see your workspace’s “fully qualified domain name,” an address of the form, where username is your own username. Visit (where username is your own username) in another tab. You should see a “directory listing” (i.e. an unordered list) of everything that’s in public, yes? And if you click cat.jpg, you should see a happy cat. If not, do just reach out to classmates or staff for a hand!

Incidentally, even though server is running on port 8080, CS50-IDE’s is “port-forwarding” port 80 (which, recall, is browsers’ default) to 8080 for you. That’s why you don’t need to specify 8080 in the URL you just visited.

Anyhow, assuming you indeed saw a happy cat in that tab, you should also see

GET /cat.jpg HTTP/1.1

in your terminal window, which is the “request line” that your browser sent to the server (which is being outputted by server via printf for diagnostics’ sake). Below that you should see all of the headers that your browser sent to server followed by

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

which is the server’s response to the browser (which is also being outputted by server via printf for diagnostics’ sake).

Next, just like I did in that short on HTTP, open up Chrome’s developer tools, per the instructions at Then, once open, click the tools’ Network tab, and then, while holding down Shift, reload the page.

Not only should you see Happy Cat again, you should also see the below in your terminal window.

GET /cat.jpg HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

You might also see the below.

GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

What’s going on if so? Well, by convention, a lot of websites have in their root directory a favicon.ico file, which is just a tiny icon that’s meant to be displayed in a browser’s address bar or tab. If you do see those lines in your terminal window, that just means Chrome is guessing that your server, too , might have favicon.ico file, which it does!

Here’s a quick walkthrough if a demo may help.

Alright, now try visiting (Note the .html instead of .jpg this time.) You should see Happy Cat again, possibly with a bit of margin around him (simply because of Chrome’s default CSS properties). If you look at the developer tools’ Network tab (possibly after reloading, if they weren’t still open), you should see that Chrome first requested cat.html followed by cat.jpg, since the latter, really, was specified as the value of the img element’s src attribute that we saw earlier in cat.html. To confirm as much, take a look at the developer tools’ Elements tab, wherein you’ll see a pretty-printed version of the HTML in cat.html. You can even change the HTML, but only Chrome’s in-memory copy thereof. To change the actual file, you’d need to do so in the usual way within CS50 IDE. Incidentally, you might find it interesting to tinker with the developer tools’ Styles tab, too. Even though this page doesn’t’ have any CSS of its own, you can see and change (temporarily) Chrome’s default CSS properties via that tab.

Okay, one last test. Try visiting Go ahead and input your name into the form and then submit it, as by clicking the button or hitting Enter. You should find yourself at a URL like (albeit with your name, not Alice’s, unless your name is also Alice), where a personalized hello awaits! That’s what we mean by “dynamic” content. By submitting that form, you provided input (i.e., your name) to the server, which then generated output just for you. (That input was in the form of an “HTTP parameter” called name, the value of which was your name.) Indeed, if you look at the page’s source code (as via the developer tools’ Elements tab), you’ll see your name embedded within the HTML! By contrast, files like cat.jpg and cat.html (and even hello.html) are “static” content, since they’re not dynamically generated.

Neat, eh?? Though odds are you’ll find it easier to test your own code via a command line than with a browser. So let’s show you one other technique.

Open up a second terminal window and position it alongside your first. In the first terminal window, execute

~cs50/unitB/server public

from within your ~/workspace/unitB directory, if the server isn’t already running. Then, in the second terminal window, execute the below. (Note the http:// this time instead of https://.)

curl –i http://localhost:8080/

If you haven’t used curl before, it’s a command-line program with which you can send HTTP requests (and more) to a server in order to see its responses. The -i flag tells curl to include responses’ HTTP headers in the output. Odds are, whilst debugging your server, you’ll find it more convenient (and revealing!) to see all of that via curl than by poking around Chrome’s developer tools.

Incidentally, take care not to request cat.jpg (or any binary file) via curl, else you’ll see quite a mess! (You’re about to try, aren’t you.)

Unfortunately, your server right now doesn’t have functionality… yet! If you open up parser.h, you’ll see declarations and descriptions for six functions, error, extract_request, extract_headers, parse, extract_query, and respond. While implementing your server, do take care to note the follow.

  • You may alter Makefile

  • You may alter parser.h, but may not alter the declarations of any of the functions therein. Odds are, you won’t need to change parser.h.

  • You may alter parser.c, and in fact, must in order to complete the implementation of your server.

  • Do not delete the server.o file as that’s where most of the server’s implementation is held!

Alright, ready to go?


Recall that HTTP messages adhere to a “grammar,” which is to say they’re formatted according to a set of rules, patterns that web servers and web browsers can parse. Consider a (simplified) grammar below, wherein any bold symbol is further defined by some other rule. Know that CRLF represents \r\n, that SP represents a single white space, that * means “zero or more” (of whatever’s in parentheses), that / means “or” and that square brackets mean something’s optional.

HTTP-message	=	*start-line*
			*( *header-field* CRLF )
			[ message-body ]
start-line	=	*request-line* /  *status-line*
request-line	=	method SP *request-target* SP HTTP-version CRLF
status-line	=	HTTP-version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
header-field	=	field-name “:” field-value

One important task of web servers is to parse the HTTP message to ensure the messages are “grammatically correct”.

Before we jump into coding, let’s review a old friend from our past: pointers (you’ll thank us later)! Recall that a string is just a char*, which is a pointer to single character. The program will then continue reading 1 byte (the size of a char) at a time until a \0 is reached. So if we have the following string:

char* word = hello, world;

Then the char* pointer, word, would point to the first letter in the string, which in this case, is h. Let’s arbitrarily say that h is located in memory at location 0x05 (remember hex?). Then the e would be at 0x06, the l at 0x07 and so on and so forth until the NULL terminator is read at 0x11. So if we had a pointer that pointed to the NULL terminator, and the pointer, word, we can get the length of the string by subtracting the pointer, word, from the pointer that points to the NULL terminator (0x11 – 0x05 = 0x0C which is 12, the length of the string word). Remember, all strings end with a NULL terminator, even an empty string such as ””!

Still confused? Open up pointers.c and take a look at the code inside. Here, we parse a sentence, ”hello, world” to find the first and second words of the sentence. We isolate the variables, once in a char array and once using dynamically allocated memory. Note that strcpy copies in the ’\0’ whereas strncpy does not. You’re more than welcome, and in fact encouraged, to use pointers.c as a reference throughout this problem.

Divide and Conquer

Feel free to divide the work in whichever manner you believe to be the most efficient, but our recommendation is for one person to take on the extract_request, extract_headers, and extract_query, while the other person tackles parse. Be sure to communicate throughout the whole coding and problem-solving process to make the problem much easier! After all, two heads are better than one.

Such Parsing, Much Wow

If you try to run your version of server, you’ll see that it doesn’t do much at all. Now that we had that little review of pointers, your job, as a team, is to implement the parsing functionality. Let’s dive in.


Complete the implementation of extract_request in such a way that the function takes the parameter message, which is the HTTP message, and returns the request-line.

The request-line of the message is the part of HTTP message up to and including the first CRLF (or \r\n). If no CRLF is found, respond to the browser with 500 Internal Server Error by calling


and returning NULL. Else, if a CRLF is found, “extract” the request-line by dynamically allocating (remember how?) a char* and taking care to copy only the request-line into the new char*. Do take care to ensure all your strings end in a NULL terminator and not to worry about freeing your dynamically allocated memory! We take care of that for you in server.o.

Odds are you’ll find functions like strchr, strstr, strcpy, strncpy, strncmp, strcmp, and/or strcasecmp of help!


Complete the implementation of extract_headers in such a way that the function takes the parameter content and extracts the headers, responding with the interpreter’s content.

Similarly to extract_request, the headers are the part up to and including the first CRLF CRLF in content. If no CRLF CRLF is found, free content, respond to the browser with 500 Internal Server Error, and stop the function by simply calling return.

Else, copy in the header information to a new variable, though this time the variable need not be in dynamically allocated memory since it is not being returned by the function.

Finally, call respond with a 200. If you look at parser.h, you’ll see that respond takes four arguments, code, headers, body, and length, where code is your response code to the browser, headers are the headers you extracted in the function, body is the part of the HTTP message that comes after the headers (after the CRLF CRLF), and length is the length of the body. Odds are your call to respond will look something like

respond(200, headers, needle + 4, length  size of headers);

where headers is the extracted headers and needle (we use the variable name needle to represent finding a needle in a haystack, wherein content is the haystack here) is a pointer to CRLF CRLF. To calculate the length of the body, calculate the size of the headers and subtract that from length, which was passed to extract_headers as an argument.

Odds are you’ll find functions like strchr, strstr, strcpy, strncpy, strncmp, strcmp, and/or strcasecmp of help!


Complete the implementation of extract_query in such a way that the function takes in target, the request-target of the HTTP message, and stores the absolute path and query in abs_path and query respectively.

Per 5.3 of, a request-target can take several forms, the only one of which your server needs to support is

absolute-path [ “?” query ]

whereby absolute-path (which will not contain ?) might optionally be followed by a ? followed by a query. For example, a request-target may look like


where /hello.php is the absolute-path for all three above, but the only query present in any of the three request-target’s above is `q=Alice. Do take note that the ? is part of neither the absolute-path nor the query. The presence of a ? simply indicates that there may possibly be a query that follows afterwards.

Per target, the request-target passed into extract_query as an argument, so that the absolute-path is stored at the address in abs_path and the query is stored at the address in query. If that substring is absent (even if a ? is present), then query should be ””, thereby consuming one byte, whereby query[0] is ’\0’.

For instance, if request-target is /hello.php or /hello.php? then query should have a value of ””. And if request-target is /hello.php?q=Alice, then query should have a value of q=Alice.

Odds are you’ll find functions like strchr, strstr, strcpy, strncpy, strncmp, strcmp, and/or strcasecmp of help!


Complete the implementation of parse in such a way that the function parses (i.e. iterates over) line, ensuring that the request-line is “grammatically correct”.

Per 3.1.1 of, a request-line is defined as

method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF

wherein SP represents a single space ( ) and CRLF represents \r\n. None of method, request-target, and HTTP-version, meanwhile, may contain SP.

Parse line by isolating the method, request-target, HTTP-version and CRLF and storing them into separate char array variables, so that a variable named target would only hold the request-target.

Ensure that request-line (which is passed into parse as line) is consistent with the following rules. If is not, respond to the browser with the appropriate response code, by calling the error with the response code as shown below.

  • If method is not GET, respond to the browser with 405 Method Not Allowed and return false;

  • If request-target does not begin with /, respond to the browser with 501 Not Implemented and return false;

  • If request-target contains a , respond to the browser with 400 Bad Request and return false;

  • If HTTP-version is not HTTP/1.1, respond to the browser with 505 HTTP Version Not Supported and return false;

  • If there is no \r\n, respond to the browser with 414 Request-URI Too Long and return false;

  • If there are more or fewer than two SP, respond to the browser with 400 Bad Request and return false;

  • If anything else in the request-line is incorrectly formatted, respond to the browser with 400 Bad Request and return false;

  • Else if everything is properly formatted, call extract_query and return true as per below

extract_query(target, abs_path, query);
return true;

wherein target is the request-target you extracted earlier, and abs_path and query are the arguments passed into parse.

Odds are you’ll find functions like strchr, strstr, strcpy, strncpy, strncmp, strcmp, and/or strcasecmp of help!

Extending the Server

Ready for more? Let’s get more involved with how the server code actually runs underneath the hood![2]

In your terminal window, execute

cd ~/workspace/unitB

Then execute


Confirm you’ve downloaded that file, then unzip (remember how?) and remove the ZIP file (remember how?).

Then navigate into the server2 directory and list its contents (remember how?) and you should find that the directory contains four files and one folder

Makefile	parser.c	parser.h	public/		server.c

Copy and paste your parser.c from server into the distro’s parser.c, and if relevant, also copy in your parser.h. Though you are free to alter this Problem’s Makefile again, do not copy in the previous Makefile since this Makefile is a bit different!

Get Servered

The files in public/ as well as parser.c and parser.h should be familiar to you from Problem 6-6. But maybe not so much with server.c. In this problem, you will implement the serving side of the server in order to create a complete server! Let’s dive into that distribution code, starting with a high-level overview.

And now a lower-level tour through the code.


Open up server.c, if not open already. Let’s take a tour.

  • Atop the file are a bunch of "feature test macro requirements" that allow us to use certain functions that are declared (conditionally) in the header files further below.

  • Defined next are a few constants that specify limits on HTTP requests sizes. We’ve (arbitrarily) based their values on defaults used by Apache, a popular web server. See if curious.

  • Defined next is BYTES, a constant that specifies how many bytes we’ll eventually be reading into buffers at a time.

  • Next are a bunch of header files, including parser.h, followed by a definition of BYTE, which we’ve indeed defined as an 8-bit char, followed by a bunch of prototypes.

  • Finally, just above main are just a few global variables.


Let’s now walk through main.

  • Atop main is an initialization of what appears to be a global variable called errno. In fact, errno is defined in errno.h and is used by quite a few functions to indicate (via an int), in cases of error, precisely which error has occurred. See man errno for more details.

  • Shortly thereafter is a call to getopt, which is a function declared in unistd.h that makes it easier to parse command-line arguments. See man 3 getopt if curious. Notice how we use getopt (and some Boolean expressions) to ensure that server is used properly.

  • Next notice the call to start (for which you may have noticed a prototype earlier). More on that later.

  • Below that is a declaration of a struct sigaction via which we’ll listen for SIGINT (i.e., control-c), calling handler (a function defined by use elsewhere in server.c) if heard.

  • And then, after declaring some variables, main enters an infinite while loop.

    • Atop that loop, we first free any memory that might have been allocated by a previous iteration of the loop.

    • We then check whether we’ve been "signaled" via control-c to stop the server. Thereafter, within an if statement, is a call to connected, a function you will implement so that it returns true if a client (e.g., a browser or even curl) has connected to the server.

    • After that is a call to extract_request and parse which you’ve implemented in Problem 6-6.

    • Next is a bunch of code that decodes that path (decoding any URL-encoded characters like %20) and "resolves" the path to a local path, figuring out exactly what file was requested on the server itself.

    • Below that, we ascertain whether that path leads to a directory or to a file and handle the request accordingly, ultimately calling list, interpret, or transfer.

      • For directories (that don’t have an index.php or index.html file inside them), we call list in order to display the directory’s contents.

      • For files ending in .php (whose "MIME type" is text/x-php), we call interpret.

      • For other (supported) files, we call transfer.

And that’s it for main! Notice, though, that throughout main are a few uses of continue, the effect of which is to jump back to the start of that infinite loop. Just before continue in some cases, too, is a call to error (another function we wrote) with an HTTP status code. Together, those lines allow the server to handle and respond to errors just before returning its attention to new requests.


Oh no, seems like we didn’t implement this one. Back to this later.


Spend a bit of time looking through error, which is that function via which we respond to browsers with errors (e.g., 404). This function, though perhaps a bit long, should perhaps have some more familiar constructs. (If curious, we’re using log10 simply to figure out how many digits, and thus char s, code is.)


This function exists simply to facilitate freeing memory that’s allocated by a function called scandir that we call in list.


Thankfully, a short one! This function (called whenever a user hits control-c) essentially tells main to call stop by setting signaled, a global variable, to true.


This function, named identically to that PHP function we saw earlier, escapes characters (e.g., < as <) that might otherwise "break" an HTML page. We call it from list, lest some file or directory we’re listing have a "dangerous" character in its name.


Though perhaps a bit confusing, this function checks to see if index.php or index.html exists in a directory or folder, and if indeed one exists, returns the path to that file so that the server can load the page.


This function enables the server to interpret PHP files. It’s a bit cryptic at first glance, but in a nutshell, all we’re doing,, upon receiving a request, say, hello.php, is executing a line like

QUERY_STRING="name=Alice" REDIRECT_STATUS=200 SCRIPT_FILENAME=homeubuntuworkspaceunit6server2publichello.php php-cgi

the effect of which is to pass the contents of hello.php to PHP’s interpreter (i.e., php-cgi), with any HTTP parameters supplied via an "environment variable" called QUERY_STRING. Via load (a function we wrote), we then read the interpreter’s output into memory (via `load). And then we respond to the browser with (dynamically generated) output like

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.12
Content-type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html>

		hello, Alice

Even though the PHP code in hello.php is pretty-printed, it’s output isn’t quite as pretty. (Take a look at hello.php. Can you deduce why?)

Odds are you’re unfamiliar with open. That function opens a pipe to a process (php-cgi in our case), which provides us with a FILE pointer via which we can read that process’s standard output (as though it were an actual file).

Notice how this function calls load, though, in order to read the PHP interpreter’s output into memory and the extraction process is done by extract_headers, a function you implemented in the previous problem.


Ah, here’s that function that generates a directory listing. Notice how much code it takes to generate HTML using C, thanks to requisite memory management.


This function loads a file into dynamically allocated memory, storing the address of the loaded file in content (notice how the argument passed into load is BYTE** content, a pointer that points to a pointer that points to a BYTE) and stores the length of the loaded file in length.


A simple function that looks up the MIME type of a file and returns the supported extensions (e.g., text/html), else returns NULL.


This function simply maps HTTP "status codes" (e.g., 200) to "reason phrases" (e.g., OK).


Ah, neat, this function redirects a client to another location (i.e., URL) by sending a status code of 301 plus a Location header.


Ah, this one’s a biggie. But worth reading through. When the server receives a request from a client, the server doesn’t know in advance how many characters the request will comprise. And so this function iteratively reads bytes form the client, one buffer’s worth at a time, calling realloc as needed to store the entire message (i.e., request).

Notice this function’s use of pointers, dynamic memory allocation, pointer arithmetic, and more. All somewhat familiar by now, but definitely a lot of it all in one place! Do try to understand each and every line, if only for the practice. Ultimately, it keeps reading bytes from the client until it encounters \r\n\r\n (aka CRLF CRLF), which, according to HTTP’s specs, marks the end of a request’s headers.

If curious, know that read is quite like read except that it reads from a "file descriptor" (i.e., an int) instead of from a FILE pointer (i.e., FILE*). See its man page for more.


It’s this function that actually sends to a client an HTTP response, given a status code, heads, a body, and that body’s length. For instance, it’s this function that sends a response like the below.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.12
Content-type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html>

		hello, Alice

Know that printf is quite like printf (or, really fprintf) except that the former, like read, writes to a "file descriptor" instead of a FILE*.


Hmm, seems like this function isn’t fully implemented yet.


Darn, another TODO. More on that later.


Here’s the function that started it all (pun intended). This function finds the path to the server’s root, ensuring it is executable, then calls create and listen to help start the server.


Drat, another one. But at least it’s our last!


This function’s purpose in life is to transfer a file from the server to a client. Whereas interpret handles dynamic content (generated by PHP scripts), transfer handles static content (e.g., JPEGs). Notice how this function calls load in order to read some file from disk.


This function, also named after a PHP function, URL-decodes a string, converting special characters like %20 back to their original values.

Service Check

Phew. Now that we’re done with our tour of the distro code, let’s implement the broken parts of the server! Similarly to parser.c, this is a collaboration problem, and you may thus divide the work amongst the two of you however you find fit. Our recommendation is for one person to tackle connect and listener while the other handles create and stop.

Though this problem may appear to be conceptually challenging, the number of lines of code you will actually write will not be much. If ever struggling, consult your partner for help!

Recall that if you’d like to play with the staff’s implementation of server, execute in a terminal window

~cs50/unitB/server public

and if you’d like to test out your server with curl, execute

curl -i http://localhost:8080/


Complete the implementation of connect in such a way that the function checks whether a client has connected to the server.

First, define a client address of type struct sockaddr_in and set the address of the client address to 0. Odds are, you’ll find the function memset of use.

Then, create a variable of type socklen_t that holds the length, or size, of the client address variable. Your code should be something reminiscent of

size_t length = x;

with size_t replaced with socklen_t and the length of the client address determined by invoking a function reminiscent of a past problem (how do you determine the size of a variable).

Now, assign cfd, a global variable, to the return value of accept, passing in the appropriate arguments to accept. accept takes in three arguments: a socket file descriptor (which, if you remember, we’ve declared as a global), the address of a sockaddr variable, the address of the length of address, and an optional fourth argument, which will not be needed in this situation. If curious, take a look at the man page for accept. Odds are, your line of code will look something like

cfd = accept(x, y, z);

where x, y, and z are substituted with the appropriate arguments.

Finally, if the value of cfd has not change from -1, return false, else true.


Complete the implementation of listener in such a way that the function listens for a connection and announces the port in use when connected.

Let’s first check the man page for listen. It seems listen takes in two arguments a socket file descriptor and a backlog. Let’s first call listen with our socket file descriptor and SOMAXCONN as our backlog. For those curious, SOMAXCONN is simply the max limit, defined in sys/socket.h, for the number of pending requests the server will take. If the return value of listen is -1, call stop to terminate the server.

Next, let’s do something similar to what we did in connect. Let’s define another struct sockaddr_in address without assigning to it any value, then get the length of your new address.

Once more, let’s pull up the man page for getsockname. Looks familiar, eh? Let’s call getsockname and if the return value is -1, call stop.

If stop isn’t invoked, then our printf statements will print out to the terminal on which port the user server is listening. But if you look at our second print statement, -50 is definitely not the right port that we’re listening on! So delete that TODO and -50 and replace it with


where addr is the name of your variable of type sockaddr_in that you declared earlier.

For those curious, ntohs is a function that converts a value’s byte order from the network byte order to the host’s, or client’s, byte order. Some machines are "little endian" while others are "big endian", which are just names for the byte ordering a system uses, so it’s important for clients and networks to be able to read data regardless of their byte order. For more information on ntohs, feel free to use its man page. And if curious about little and big endian, do just take a look at this, but no need to feel obliged!


Complete the implementation of create in such a way that the function creates a server socket.

Let’s first take a look at the man page for socket.

Hmm, it seems that socket takes a domain, type, and protocol, as its arguments. Let’s call socket, using AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM for the domain and type and let’s leave protocol as 0, since we don’t have a specified protocol for the socket. Let’s also assign the return value of socket to our global socket variable, sfd.

If curious, AF_INET simply means we’d like TCPIP as our communication domain and SOCK_STREAM let’s socket know that we’d like our socket to provide a sequenced, reliable stream of bytes for our connection.

According to the man page of socket, socket returns -1 upon failure, so let’s check for failure and if indeed socket returned -1, call stop to terminate the server.

Now, let’s allow for reuse of address, to avoid any "Address already in use" messages. We can do that by writing the following code.

int optval = 1;
setsockopt(x, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, y, z);

where x, y, and z are the socket file descriptor, the address of the optval variable, and the size of the optval variable respectively.

Finally, let’s bind a name, or more accurately an address, to the socket. Create a server address variable of type struct sockaddr_in and set the address of the server address to 0. Odds are, you’ll find the function memset of use. Because your server address is of type struct sockaddr_in, we can access inside the struct (similar to RGBTriple way back when), by using dot notation. If I wanted to access a field inside the struct named name, for example, then I can assign the name to "David" by doing = "David";

if my variable’s name were serv_addr. Now assign

  • The sin_family field of your variable to AF_INET

  • The sin_port field to htons(port)

  • And the sin_addr.s_addr field to htonl(INADDR_ANY)

For those curious, htons and htonl are functions that convert a value’s byte order from the network byte order to the host’s, or client’s, byte order. Some machines are "little endian" while others are "big endian", which are just names for the byte ordering a system uses, so it’s important for clients and networks to be able to read data regardless of their byte order. For more information on the functions, feel free to use their man pages. And if curious about little and big endian, do just take a look at this, but no need to feel obliged!

Afterwards, let’s replace that ugly /* TODO */ false inside the if statement with a real Boolean expression. We’ve created a name for the socket but have yet to assign the name to the socket, so let’s do that now.

Check out the man page for bind. Seems like bind takes three arguments. A socket file descriptor (hmm, sounds like something we’ve already seen in this function), an address (or pointer) to a sockaddr_in, and the length, or size, of the address. Upon failure, bind returns -1 so let’s change our if statement to check if bind fails. Your expression should look something like

if (bind(x, y, z) == -1)

where x, y, and z are replaced by the appropriate arguments. If finding yourself in a pickle, consult your partner and/or connect and listen for inspiration!


Complete the implementation of stop in such a way that the function frees any allocated memory not freed and closes any file descriptors still open.

Here’s how.

  • Check to see if the global variable, root, is NULL. If not, then call free.

  • Then check to see if server socket (now, which global variable is that) is open. If still open, call close on the server socket.

  • Finally, stop the server by calling the exit function and passing in errsv as its argument.

This was Server.

1. We no longer cover PHP in CS50 AP, so not to worry if this piece of code seems rather cryptic. Suffice it to say that knowledge of PHP isn’t necessary in order to complete the problem! If interested, however, do take a look at resources available from previous iterations of the course!
2. Well, underneath the object file.