Problem Set 5: Mispellings


  1. Watch Week 4’s lecture.

  2. Answer some questions about a spell checker.

  3. Implement a spell checker.

  4. Submit your code.

Getting Started

Log into and execute the below in a terminal window.

mkdir ~/workspace/pset5/
cd ~/workspace/pset5/

Academic Honesty

Do keep in mind the course’s policy on academic honesty, particularly its "regret clause."


Big Board

If you’d like to put your code to the test against classmates' code (just for fun), execute the command below to challenge the Big Board before or after you submit.

check50 cs50/2018/x/challenges/speller

Then visit the URL that check50 outputs to see where you rank!

How to Submit

  • Update your IDE:

  • Submit speller:

    cd ~/workspace/pset5/speller/
    submit50 cs50/2018/x/speller