Assignment 4: “Super Mario Bros., The Key and Lock Update”


Getting Started

Download the distro code for your first game from and unzip, which should yield a directory called assignment4.

Then, in a terminal window (located in /Applications/Utilities on Mac or by typing cmd in the Windows task bar), move to the directory where you extracted assignment4 (recall that the cd command can change your current directory), and run

cd assignment4

It’s-a Key!

Welcome to your fifth assignment! So far, we have a fair foundation for a platforming game present in the distro,

Your goals this assignment:

How to Submit

  1. If you haven’t already, install Git and, optionally, install submit50.
  2. Using Git, push your work to, where USERNAME is your GitHub username, on a branch called games50/assignments/2019/x/4 or, if you’ve installed submit50, execute

    submit50 games50/assignments/2019/x/4


  3. Record a 1- to 5-minute screencast in which you demonstrate your app’s functionality and/or walk viewers through your code. Upload that video to YouTube (as unlisted or public, but not private) or somewhere else.
  4. Submit this form.