

Implement a program that reports a user’s water usage, converting minutes spent in the shower to bottles of drinking water.

$ ./water
Minutes: 1
Bottles: 12

$ ./water
Minutes: 10
Bottles: 120


Suffice it to say that the longer you shower, the more water you use. But just how much? Even if you have a "low-flow" showerhead, odds are your shower spits out 1.5 gallons of water per minute. A gallon, meanwhile, is 128 ounces, and so that shower spits out 1.5 × 128 = 192 ounces of water per minute. A typical bottle of water (that you might have for a drink, not a shower), meanwhile, might be 16 ounces. So taking a 1-minute shower is akin to using 192 ÷ 16 = 12 bottles of water. Taking (more realistically, perhaps!) a 10-minute shower, then, is like using 120 bottles of water. Deer Park, that’s a lot of water! Of course, bottled water itself is wasteful; best to use reusable containers when you can. But it does put into perspective what’s being spent in a shower!


  • Write, in a file called water.c in your ~/workspace/pset1/ directory, a program that prompts the user for the length of his or her shower in minutes (as a positive integer) and then prints the equivalent number of bottles of water (as an integer)

  • For simplicity, you may assume that the user will input a positive integer, so no need for error-checking (or any loops) this time! And no need to worry about overflow!



Your program should behave per the example below. Assumed that the underlined text is what some user has typed.

$ ./water
Minutes: 10
Bottles: 120



check50 cs50/2017/x/water

Staff Solution



  • You can use the function get_int to prompt the user to input an integer value, as per the below:

    int minutes = get_int();


None so far! Reload this page periodically to check if any arise!


  • 2016-10-02

    • Reformatted.

  • 2016-09-02

    • Initial release.